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Nuestra Academia de Negocios y Economía
Pyth Network (PYTH)
Pyth Network (PYTH) - provides real time data to more than 40 blockchains
- Pyth Network (PYTH) secures your smart contracts with the most reliable market data.
- Applications can be built with high-fidelity Oracle feeds.
- Provides real-time data for cryptocurrencies, currencies and commodities, on more than 40 blockchains.
Pyth Network Key Metrics (PYTH) (To be announced soon)
What is Pyth Network (PYTH)?
Pyth Network is oracle's premier financial market solution, providing real-time market data to over 40 blockchains in a secure and transparent manner. Pyth supports more than 350 real-time price streams across major asset classes, including digital assets, equities, ETFs, currencies and commodities.
The network is comprised of more than 90 of the world's largest exchanges, market makers and financial service providers, which contribute their proprietary price data to the blockchain for aggregation and distribution to smart contract applications.
Pyth has facilitated more than $80 billion in trading volume and serves more than 235 applications both on and off the blockchain.
Pyth Network (PYTH): What makes it different and why invest?
Protect your smart contracts with highly reliable, low-latency market data from institutional sources. Develop applications using high quality Oracle feeds, designed especially for critical trading systems.
Pyth delivers real-time market data for cryptocurrencies, stocks, currencies and commodities to more than 40 blockchains. The network is supported by more than 90 leading market participants, such as TruBit Pro.
Each of Pyth's 350+ pricing feeds is accessible on 35+ blockchains, offering the same high performance across all of them.
Access accurate, high-frequency data, whether you choose to use EVM or Cosmos. Seamlessly extend your application to additional blockchains.